The Lal Jr directorial also stars Soubin as the lead Nadikar Thilakam, starring Tovino Thomas and Soubin Shahir, got launched on Tuesday in Kochi. The film is directed by Lal Jr and scripted by Suvin Somashekharan, who earlier wrote the Joju George-starrer Star.
It is backed by the Telugu-based production house Mythri Movie Makers and Godspeed. Nadikar Thilakam follows the story of superstar David Padikkal and the unexpected turn of events in his life. The film has Bhavana as the female lead.
It marks her second outing with Tovino after Koothara. Dhyan Sreenivasan, Anoop Menon, Ranjith, Lal, Balu Varghese, Ganapathi, Indrans, Madhupal, Althaf Salim, Sanju Sivaram, Abhiram Poduval, Khalid Rahman, Devika Gopal, Manohari Joy and Maala Parvathi are also part of Nadikar Thilakam’s elaborate cast. It has cinematography by Alby and music by Yakzan Gary Pereira and Neha S Nair.
Tovino, who recently wrapped up Anveshippin Kandethum, has the 3D action-adventure film Ajayante Randam Moshanam and Dr Biju’s Adrishya Jalakangal in different stages of production. After Nadikar Thilakam, he will start shooting for Identity, directed by Akhil Paul and Anas Khan.
from The New Indian Express - Hindi -