Actor Varun Dhawan is all set to join hands with Tamil filmmaker Kalees, known for his 2019 film Kee. The announcement was made on Sunday by Cine 1 Studios who will be backing the film along with A For Apple Studios.
While Priya Atlee, wife of director Atlee will be producing the film on behalf of A For Apple Studios, Murad Khetani will back the film under Cine 1 Studios banner. The details regarding the plot, rest of the cast and crew are still kept under wraps.
The makers also announced that this film, tentatively titled VD18, will hit theatres on May 31, 2024, and will be presented by Atlee.
Meanwhile, Varun is currently awaiting the release of Nitesh Tiwari’s Bawaal in which he will be seen alongside Janhvi Kapoor. The film is slated for release on October 6.
from The New Indian Express - Hindi -