Bollywood star Alia Bhatt who recently made her Hollywood debut last Friday with Netflix's Heart of Stone, revealed why she hasn't been promoting the film. During an 'Ask me anything' session on Instagram, the actor shared she and her co-stars Gal Gadot and Jamie Dornan have stood in solidarity with the ongoing SAG-AFTRA strike in Hollywood.
“As a team, we stand behind the SAG-AFTRA strike, and as a mark of solidarity, we haven’t been promoting the movie,” wrote Alia.
“However I’ve been seeing all your messages and the outpouring of love!! Thankful for you all and sending all the love right back to you,” she added.
READ HERE: Why are actors making movies during the strike? What to know about SAG-AFTRA's 'interim agreements'
Although Alia did not promote Heart of Stone actively, several pre-recorded interviews of the cast were released a week before the film's initial release.
The Bollywood star plays the character Keya Dhawan who is a tech genius. Her character is after ‘The Heart’, an AI device that can enable someone to destroy the world. The movie’s ending hints at a sequel and it appears that if it is made, Alia will be a part of it.
Helmed by Tom Harper, Heart of Stone also stars Jing Lusi, Sophie Okonedo, and Matthias Schweighöfer in pivotal roles.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Alia was last seen in Karan Johar’s Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani alongside Ranveer Singh which has been receiving a lot of praise.
ALSO READ: Deepika Padukone to skip 'Project K' showcase at SDCC amid SAG-AFTRA strike
READ MORE: 'I stand with my union and colleagues', says Priyanka Chopra Jonas on Hollywood actors' strike
from The New Indian Express - Hindi -