MUMBAI: The makers of the Rohit Shetty directorial Singham Again released Deepika Padukone's character poster from the film, on Sunday. The Pathaan actor is seen as the fierce cop, Shakthi Shetty, with a gun in her hand, a bruise on her forehead and a maniacal smile on her face.
In a post on Instagram, Shetty shared the first look at Padukone's character and called it the "most brutal and violent officer of our cop universe".
"Naari sita ka bhi roop hai aur durga ka bhi (Woman is the form of Sita and also of Durga). Meet the most brutal and violent officer of our cop universe - Shakti Shetty. My Lady Singham - Deepika Padukone," the filmmaker wrote in the caption.
In another poster, she is also seen sitting on multiple criminals as she aims her gun at one of them. Starring Ajay Devgn in the lead, the film also stars Ranveer Singh, who was a part of Rohit Shetty's Simmba. He will be reprising his role as Inspector Sangram Bhalerao in Singham Again. The film's cast also includes Akshay Kumar and Kareena Kapoor.
The upcoming actioner is the third film in the Ajay Devgn-led Singham series, which started with 2011's Singham and was followed by Singham Returns (2014), which also starred Kareena. The film will mark the first collaboration between Kareena Kapoor and Ranveer Singh. Singham Again is slated to hit theatres on August 15, 2024.
from The New Indian Express - Hindi -