On Thursday, actor Vicky Kaushal, who was recently seen in The Great Indian Family, released a new poster from his upcoming film Sam Bahadur. The poster features Vicky Kaushal as Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw, with the words ‘Zindagi Unki. Itihas Humari,” (His life. Our history) written above. Further, he also announced that the film will hit theatres on December 1.
Vicky Kaushal wrapped filming for the film, directed by Meghna Gulzar, back in March this year. The film marks Meghna’s second collaboration with Vicky after Raazi (2018) which also starred Alia Bhatt in the lead role. Based on the life and times of Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw, one of India’s greatest war heroes, Sam Bahadur is backed by RSVP Movies. Sam Bahadur also stars Sanya Malhotra.
from The New Indian Express - Hindi - https://ift.tt/4HpUg0v https://ift.tt/8YmBdGh