The first glimpse of Shah Rukh Khan-starrer Dunki, labelled ‘Drop 1’ by the makers, was released on the occasion of the superstar’s birthday on Thursday. Directed by Rajkumar Hirani, the film also stars Taapsee Pannu, Vicky Kaushal, Boman Irani, Vikram Kochhar and Anil Grover in pivotal roles.
The ‘Drop 1’ opens with Shah Rukh dressed in a black pathani, being followed by a bunch of people in a vast expanse of arid, barren land. As they soldier on, on top of a hill a sniper is aiming towards them. The tale then shifts to a small village in Punjab, housing different characters like Hardy (Shah Rukh Khan), Manu (Taapsee Pannu), Sukhi (Vicky Kaushal), Balli (Anil Grover) and Buggu (Vikram Kochhar). All of them are harbouring dreams of going to London. Boman Irani plays Gulati in the film, who seems to be a teacher for IELTS coaching. The ‘Drop 1’ is filled with Hirani’s signature humour.
Sharing the teaser on X, Shah Rukh wrote, “A story of simple and real people trying to fulfil their dreams and desires. Of friendship, love, and being together… Of being in a relationship called Home! A heartwarming story by a heartwarming storyteller. It's an honour to be a part of this journey and I hope you all come along with us. The #DunkiDrop1 is here…”
A story of simple and real people trying to fulfill their dreams and desires. Of friendship, love, and being together… Of being in a relationship called Home!
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) November 2, 2023
A heartwarming story by a heartwarming storyteller. It's an honour to be a part of this journey and I hope you all come…
The film is slated to release on December 22 and is expected to clash with Prabhas’s Salaar.
(This story appeared originally on Cinema Express)
from The New Indian Express - Hindi -