Adivi Sesh, who recently started filming for G2, the sequel of his 2018 film Goodachari, will be working next with Shruti Haasan in a pan-India action drama. The film’s title as well as a host of character posters are expected to be unveiled in the coming days.
Shaneil Deo is debuting as a director with this film, which has Sesh and Shaneil sharing the screenwriting credits. It will be Adivi’s seventh film as a screenwriter, after Karma (2010), which was also directed by him, followed by Kshanam (2016), Goodachari (2018), Evaru (2019), Major (2022) and G2.
To the uninitiated, Fiji-born, California-raised, cinematographer Shaneil Deo is a frequent collaborator of Sesh’s, having worked as a DoP in Kshanam and Goodachari. He has previously directed a coming-of-age short titled Layla (2015), which was officially selected for the Cannes Film Festival.
This upcoming film will be Sesh’s second Hindi release after Major. Regarding the film’s multilingual treatment, the makers have announced that it will be shot separately in different languages, with the story being suitably adapted to the nuances of Hindi and Telugu cultures. The film, currently in pre-production, is produced by Supriya Yarlagadda of Annapurna Studios and co-produced by Suneil Narang of Asian Cinemas.
from The New Indian Express - Hindi -