Manoj Bajpayee in Bengaluru to promote his upcoming film, Joram, went on a college spree, where he interacted with students and talked about much awaited gripping survival thriller. It was a delightful moment for the actor, with students praising Manoj Bajpayee's career and contributing to anticipating the film's release through their enthusiastic support for Joram.
Expressing his joy about the college visit, Manoj shared, "Being here in Bangalore, especially connecting with the vibrant youth, is truly special. The energy here is infectious, and I'm thrilled to meet everyone. Joram holds a special place in my heart, and I'm eager for everyone to experience it."
In Joram, Manoj Bajpayee takes on an unprecedented role, portraying a man on the run in this intense thriller. The film's unique storyline and Bajpayee's unmatched acting skills have already sparked excitement among fans, making 'Joram' one of this year's most eagerly anticipated global releases.
Directed, written, and crafted by Devashish Makhija and produced by Shariq Patel, Ashima Avasthi Chaudhuri, Anupama Bose, and Devashish Makhija, Joram is a collaboration between Zee Studios and MakhijaFilm. Starring Manoj Bajpayee and Mohammed Zeeshan Ayyub, the film boasts Piyush Puty handling the cinematography, Abhro Banerjee taking care of the editing, and Mangesh Dhakde composing the music.
from The New Indian Express - Hindi -