Actor Varun Dhawan on Wednesday announced the Kerala schedule wrap of his upcoming action film VD 18. Taking to Instagram, Varun shared a couple of pictures which he captioned, "Thank u Kerala. Sched wrap."
In the pictures, the Badlapur actor could be seen facing his back at the camera and standing near a lake. He wore a T-shirt, black shorts, and slippers. Recently, the October actor suffered a leg injury. He posted a picture of his swollen leg on his Instagram stories. The film tentatively titled 'VD18' is directed by Kalees and produced by Atlee and Murad Khetani. The film also stars Keerthy Suresh and Wamiqa Gabbi.
Excited about the project, Wamiqa said in a statement: "Being a part of VD18 is a thrilling experience for me. Collaborating with exceptional talents like Varun Dhawan and Keerthy Suresh under Atlee sir's visionary direction is a creative journey I'm eager to explore. I have been and will always be eternally grateful to 2023, the year that plunged things to new beginnings.
from The New Indian Express - Hindi -