Alia Bhatt has joined the upcoming crime thriller series Poacher as executive producer, the makers announced on Tuesday. The series is created, written, and directed by Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Richie Mehta. It stars Nimisha Sajayan, Roshan Mathew, and Dibyendu Bhattacharya in pivotal roles.
Talking about coming on board as the executive producer for the series, Alia Bhatt said in a press release, “Being part of this incredibly significant project is an honor, for both me and the entire team at Eternal Sunshine Productions. The impact of Poacher was deeply personal, and Richie’s portrayal of the urgent issue of wildlife crime resonated strongly with me and the team.” She further added, “The storytelling genuinely moved me, especially knowing it’s based on true events, that shed light on brutal crimes occurring in our forests.”
Based on court documents and testimonials, Poacher is a fictional dramatisation of events that transpired in the dense forests of Kerala and the concrete jungle of Delhi. The series showcases the immense contributions made by Indian forest service officers, NGO workers from the Wildlife Trust of India, police constables, and good samaritans who risked their lives to investigate the largest ivory poaching ring in Indian history.
Poacher is executive produced by QC Entertainment’s Edward H. Hamm Jr., Raymond Mansfield and Sean McKittrick, in association with Suitable Pictures, Poor Man’s Productions and Alia’s Eternal Sunshine Productions. It will be available to stream on Amazon Prime Video on February 23.
from Hindi