Pankaj Tripathi's recently-released film Main Atal Hoon, which features the actor in the lead role as former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, will be hitting OTT platform Zee 5 soon. The makers announced that the biopic will be out on March 14.
The film is written by Utkarsh Naithani and directed by Ravi Jadhav, known for National Award-winning films such as Natarang and Balgandharva.
The film, which hit in theatres on January 19, 2024, received mixed reviews upon release.
Our CE review of the film read, "The film proceeds like a power-point presentation, each event in the former PM’s life merely a bullet point. RSS, Jana Sangh, Emergency, Pokhran test, Kargil War, we flip through chapters of Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s life, not engaging with any, lest we try to read between the lines."
Recalling working in the film, Pankaj said, "It was a real honour for me to get to portray one of the most illustrious leaders of our country who laid the foundation for our country's success. While I was aware of Atal Ji and his remarkable political journey, this film introduced me to many more inspiring qualities and facets of his life which have now left an indelible mark on my life.
"Portraying Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee has truly been one of the highlights of my career and for that, I am grateful. Now that the film is marking its world digital debut, I urge all Indians across the world to watch the remarkable story of this simple man and take back many lessons".
The film, written by Rishi Virmani and Ravi Jadhav, is backed by Vinod Bhanushali, Sandeep Singh, Sam Khan and Kamlesh Bhanushali.
(This story originally appeared on Cinema Express)
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