Banaras' hero, Zaid Khan, is gearing up to begin his sophomore project. The film, billed as a romantic drama, helmed by Upadhyaksha director, Anil Kumar, has been titled Cult. The makers unveiled the title along with a first-look poster which features Zaid, the protagonist in a captivating close-up. With intense eyes, adorned with stud earrings, and a bruised face, he shares the frame with a woman who rests her leg on his shoulder.
Zaid had mentioned in his previous interview with us that Cult will not be as experimental as Banaras, and will be a contemporary story for today's youth. Produced under the banner of Ashrith Cinemas, Cult is currently in the pre-production stage. The film will have JS Wali handling the cinematography, Arjun Janya composing the music, KM Prakash editing, and Ravivarma choreographing the action sequences.
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