Actor Kiara Advani is all set to make her debut at the Cannes Film Festival this year. The Good Newwz (2019) actor will represent India at the Red Sea Film Foundation's Women in Cinema Gala dinner at the festival, emphasising India's growing influence in the global cinema landscape, as per ANI. It will be hosted by Vanity Fair at Cannes.
The event brings together several women from around the world and recognises their contributions to the entertainment field. Cannes regular Aishwarya Rai Bachchan is also likely to attend the film festival. Aditi Rao Hydari will also mark her presence at the gala as one of the brand ambassadors of L'Oreal Paris.
Speaking to ANI, Aditi recently expressed her excitement about attending the Cannes Film Festival for the third time. “I have 'Lioness', which is an Indo-British production. It is headlined by two girls. There is Paige Sandhu from the UK. It's about the suffragette movement and I think a lot of people are very excited about it. So, I am so looking forward to starting that. I'm also in preparation, leaving for Cannes with L'Oreal very soon," she said.
The Cannes Film Festival opens on Tuesday night with the world premiere of Quentin Dupieux's Le Deuxieme Acte (The Second Act), starring Lea Seydoux, Vincent Lindon, Louis Garrel and Raphael Quenard. During the opening ceremony, Oscar winner Meryl Streep will receive the honorary Palme d'Or.
"I am immeasurably honored to receive the news of this prestigious award. To win a prize at Cannes, for the international community of artists, has always represented the highest achievement in the art of filmmaking. To stand in the shadow of those who have previously been honored is humbling and thrilling in equal part. I so look forward to coming to France to thank everyone in person this May," Streep said in a statement about this honour, as per The Hollywood Reporter.
(This story originally appeared on Cinema Express)
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