On Thursday, Prime Video announced the release date for the third season of the rural comedy-drama Panchayat. The series will return on May 28. It stars Jitendra Kumar, Raghubir Yadav, Neena Gupta, Chandan Roy, and Faisal Malik in the lead roles.
The show, set in the small village of Phulera, revolves around Abhishek Tripathi (Jitendra), an engineering graduate who reluctantly takes up the job of Panchayat secretary.
Each episode deals with different problems the villagers, including Pradhan ji (Raghubir), his wife Manju Devi (Neena), village head Prahlad (Faisal), and office assistant Vikas (Chandan) face in their day-to-day lives.
Panchayat has been written by Chandan Kumar and directed by Deepak Kumar Mishra.
from Hindi https://ift.tt/UXThPjk