Shahid Kapoor’s upcoming action thriller Deva has moved its release date from October 11. Directed by acclaimed Malayalam filmmaker Rosshan Andrrews, the film is now scheduled to hit theatres on February 14, 2025. The director has previously made hit Malayalam films like Salute and Kayamkulam Kochunni.
Apart from Shahid, the film also stars Pooja Hegde and Pavail Gulati. On the technical front, Deva has a background score by Jakes Bejoy and songs by Sachet–Parampara. The cinematography is handled by Amit Roy, with editing by Sreekar Prasad. The film, written by Hussain Dalal, Arshad Syed, and Sumit Arora, is produced by Siddharth Roy Kapoor and Zee Studios.
from Hindi