Varun Dhawan and Samantha Ruth Prabhu’s spy-thriller series Citadel Honey Bunny will be streaming on Prime Video from November 7 this year, announced the makers on Thursday along with unveiling its teaser. Directed by Raj and DK, who have also co-written it with Sita Menon, the series also features Kay Kay Menon, Simran, Soham Majumdar, Shivankit Singh Parihar, Kashvi Majmundar, Saquib Saleem and Sikandar Kher, among others. It is executive produced by Avengers-fame The Russo Brothers’ AGBO and Raj & DK.
Sharing the teaser, the makers stated, “Honey Bunny (featuring Samantha as Honey and Varun Dhawan as Bunny) has a riveting narrative that fuses the pulse-pounding elements of a gritty spy action thriller with the heartwarming allure of a love story, all set against the vibrant tapestry of the 90s.”
Speaking at the teaser launch of the show, Varun said, “This is just a small glimpse into the series. Everything about it will be a surprise right from the background score to the action. There is a 12-13 minutes one-take action sequence in the series which makes it truly special. I am excited for it to be released.”
The American version of Citadel, starring Priyanka Chopra Jonas and Richard Madden, came out last year. Multiple spin-offs of the show are planned which will be set in Italy, Mexico and Spain.
from Hindi