Director Madhuchandra, known for his thought-provoking film Self Mummy Google Daddy, is exploring a fresh comedic venture with his latest project, Mr Rani. This new film with its unique title, is set to deliver a humorous twist.
In a notable departure from his popular role as Jayant in the TV serial Lakshmi Niwas, Deepak Subramanya is stepping into a new and intriguing character in Mr Rani. The film's eye-catching poster features Deepak in a striking Marilyn Monroe-inspired outfit. In contrast, he is also seen wearing traditional shorts, reflecting his village-rooted background. This combination highlights the film’s playful and eclectic style.
According to Director Madhuchandra, Deepak will showcase 40 different get-ups throughout the film, each unique and tailored to enhance the story’s narrative. This extensive range of costumes is expected to add both charm and depth to his performance.
Parvati Nair will play the female lead alongside Deepak. With the shooting wrapped Chandra has introduced a creative strategy for promoting the film, which includes engaging with Deepak’s dedicated fan base. Notably, Deepak visited 108 fans who have Ganesh idols in their homes, offering them a special preview of the film.
Mr Rani also features an ensemble cast including Srivatsa, Roopa Prabhakar, and Lakshmi Karant. The film will have music by Judah Sandy and cinematography by Ravindranath. Produced by Excel Orbit Creations, Mr Rani is scheduled to hit theatres in November.
from Hindi