Ajay Devgn and Rakul Preet Singh starrer romantic-comedy De De Pyaar De 2 now has a release date. The sequel to the 2019 film will hit theatres on November 14 next year, announced its production house Luv Ranjan’s Luv Films on Thursday. Directed by Anshul Sharma, the film will also feature R Madhavan.
The film is written by Tarun Jain and Luv Ranjan. It is being shot across Punjab, Mumbai and London. As per an earlier report, while De De Pyaar De had Tabu playing Ajay’s ex-wife and Rakul in the role of his young lover, the sequel will introduce R Madhavan as Rakul’s father, promising an engaging battle of wits between him and Ajay’s character, Ashish.
from Hindi https://ift.tt/QPExiIL